Meet Lauren Bohr: Our January Leading Woman

Name: Lauren Bohr
Major: Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, minors in Psychology and Human Development and Family Science
Hometown: Liberty, Missouri
What are your career and life goals?
My career goal for the future is to become a speech-language pathologist! My short-term plans are to get my master’s degree, and long-term I would love to work with kids in some capacity.
What is your favorite part about your major and why did you choose it?
My favorite part about my major is the wide variety of settings and specialties I can explore as an SLP. SLPs can work in schools, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, private practices, home health settings… The possibilities are endless! I chose this field because as an SLP, I will have the opportunity to give clients the tools to effectively communicate, and make a tangible difference in the well-being and lives of others.
What organizations or hobbies are you passionate about?
Outside of Theta, I’m a Student Ambassador for the College of Health Sciences and on the Exec Board for the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA). As an ambassador, I’m able to talk with prospective students about my Mizzou experience and all it’s given me, something I’m happy to talk about forever! Being Head of Spirit for NSSLHA has also been so fun and a great creative outlet for me. Outside of other orgs, I enjoy playing intramural soccer with Thetas (we’re the current reigning league champs).
Looking back at the past two years you served as our chapter’s Online Media Director, what was something you did that you’re most proud of, and why?
My time as Online Media Director has been the most fun two years of my life!! It has been so exciting to see our chapter’s online presence grow during my term. I have experienced so much growth creatively and have been given the chance to form relationships with so many new people as a result of this role. I am most proud of the growth in engagement I’ve seen during the past couple years, something that truly would not have happened without the incredible work of my Online Media Committee. It has been such a dream to see my vision for Theta come to life on our social platforms!
How have your experiences in Theta changed you?
Being in Theta has been the most meaningful experience of my college career. It is not lost on me what a gift it is to find a community like this. The phrase “Leading Women” tricky encapsulates what it means to be a Theta; the house is filled with women who are leaders and who challenge you because they truly want you to succeed. I have been changed for the better by the steadfast and unconditional friendships I have made in Theta!
What does Theta mean to you?
Theta means a group of incredible women that, throughout the last four years, have become cherished friends. I feel so lucky to be a part of a community that both encourages me in my endeavors and provides a soft place to land when I need that extra support.

Do you have any advice for underclassmen?
Get to know everyone! Some of the most important friendships in my life are with people who aren’t the same age as me; one of my most favorite parts of my college experience has been forming relationships with people outside my grade level. It might be scary to approach people older than you, but being close with people both older and younger than me has given me the opportunity to make some irreplaceable, lifelong friends.
Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?
I have too many favorites to just pick one! The year I lived in-house in the third floor 5-man with my roommates, Kate, Kenzie, Bridgette, and Skyelar was the most fun year of my life. I wouldn’t trade the late night chats in our bunk beds for the world! My junior year, my roommates and I moved to West Campus, next door to some of our best friends. The Saturdays spent tailgating at Burnie and Sundays watching Chiefs games in their living room are some of my most cherished memories. This year, my little, Josie, and her roommates moved into that house, and the fun has continued. It has been so special to have lived next to my best friends for two years in a row; there’s no shortage of friends to chat and grab coffee with or closest to borrow from. I also treasure every minute I’ve spent with my pledge fam, whether it’s catching up over dinner or taking workout classes with my big, Jenna. I think all of these little moments in between the big ones are the most special to me.