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Meet Sydnee Mason: Our April Leading Woman

Name: Sydnee Mason

Major: Agricultural Education with an emphasis in leadership

Hometown: Marshall, Missouri

What are your career/life goals?

Ultimately, I want to work on rural development projects and agriculture expansion efforts in communities across Missouri. After I complete my undergrad, I hope to go to law school. Eventually, I’d like to come back to rural Missouri, open a general practice and work on those rural development issues that are so important to me.

What are you involved in at Mizzou?

Mizzou is easily one of my favorite places because of the incredible people that surround me every day. I am involved in Mizzou Collegiate Farm Bureau and Student Recruitment in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR). I’m currently a CAFNR Ambassador Team Leader and serve as CAFNR Week Co-Chair on the CAFNR Student Council.

Tell us about why you chose your major?

The faculty and staff that make up the agricultural education department at Mizzou are truly unmatched. They’re the reason why I chose to make Mizzou my home in the first place. The emphasis in leadership option, provided me the flexibility I needed to focus on courses in agriculture economics and agribusiness management.

How have CAFNR programs shaped you?

Each dynamic experience I have in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources inspires me to reach out to my fellow tigers, prospective students, alumni, and donors to communicate what I’ve learned in my field and beyond. I have the opportunity to interact with these diverse groups daily as a Student Recruitment Intern in the Office of Academic Programs and Outreach Specialist for Missouri Farmers Care. These two communications outlets have given me the opportunity to share stories about agriculture and rural life, and memories I’ve made within CAFNR. Above all, these two responsibilities have solidified my passion for Missouri Agriculture and the people in it. Driving me to strive for excellence always. I believe that CAFNR has shaped me into a stronger contributor to scholarly discussion, an empowered advocate for agriculture, and a better woman as a whole. I believe that CAFNR has made me outstanding, and I am proud to call Mizzou my home away from home.

What are your tasks as co-chair for CAFNR Week?

Along with my co-chair, I have the opportunity to plan CAFNR Week this fall! Together, we’ll lead the CAFNR Week standing committee in designing, promoting, and conducting a week for students to engage within CAFNR through various professional development, community service, and social/recreational activities.

What are you passionate about?

In a nutshell, I’m passionate about youth development and rural communities. For me, joy is a direct result of hard work, initiative, and commitment. Early in high school, I got involved in the National FFA Organization. I served as the State FFA Secretary, and Missouri’s candidate for National FFA Office. Now that my membership roles have shifted, I have the opportunity to serve FFA members in a different capacity. FFA connects my passion for youth development and rural communities. I get to feed that passion through my work with Missouri Farmers Care, a nonprofit agriculture advocacy organization.

What does Theta mean to you?

Theta is my place of refuge. The women who surround me are confident, powerful, intelligent, and strong. They make me want to be the best version of myself I can be. When I’ve had a long day, I’m stressed out, and ready to be done, I know that my Theta sisters are the perfect outlet to turn to.

Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?

Yes! My favorite Theta memories have been learning more about our sisterhood and creating friendships with my Spring member class - Lanie, Rosey, Annabel, and Maddie. They taught me what it means to be loved just as you are—no pressure. Also, Callahan and Mackenzie were angels who made new member meetings so much fun.

What do you do in your free time?

I love to be home so, if I have free time, you’ll most likely find me in Marshall. Otherwise, I love to travel with my family watching my sister, Taylor, rope calves & tie goats at rodeos across the nation. I enjoy going to the movies and reading, too. Those are my stress relievers.

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603 Kentucky Blvd Columbia, MO

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