Meet Emily Williams: Our February Leading Woman

Name: Emily Williams
Major: Journalism with an emphasis in Strategic Communication | Art Minor
Hometown: Kansas City, MO
What are your career/life goals?
I want to go into the creative field at an advertising agency. Specifically, I would like to be a graphic designer, or an art director!
What is your favorite part about your major and why did you choose it?
I have always been a very artsy person, so when I found strategic communication I knew for sure what I wanted to do. Strategic communication allows me to utilize my creative side while also letting me be a problem solver. There are many different roles within an agency team and while I mainly specialize in the creative role, the whole team has a hand in everything. I really love this aspect because the whole team brainstorms together and it’s such a fun experience.
What award did you recently earn?
Recently my Copywriter from Creative Portfolio and I won an ADDY award. ADDY is used to refer to the American Advertising Award. My copywriter was Delaney Ehrhardt and she is a Sigma Kappa. This was extra special to Delaney and me because not only were we paired together for Creative portfolio, but she was also my copywriter for MOJO. We saw each other nearly every day and became really good friends!
What is special about this award?
“The American Advertising Awards Competition is a unique national awards program designed specifically for college students. Work entered at the local level can advance to the regional and national judging, just like the work entered by professionals across the country.”
This award is extra special to Delaney and I because, including the two of us, only three people won individual awards. It’s also special because my MOJO team from last semester won several awards. We are going to the award show in Kansas City in a couple of weeks, and I know we are all extremely proud of our hard work!
What organizations or hobbies are you passionate about?
MOJO is something that I am extremely passionate about. It is my senior capstone and I am currently in my second semester of the class. MOJO is the first agency of its kind and is staffed entirely by students. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be on MOJO and for all that it’s given me.
How have your experiences in Theta changed you?
My entire Theta experience has changed me so much. Theta has introduced me to some of my best friends who I couldn’t imagine my life without. Theta has seen value in me from the first day and has continuously pushed me to do my best. I have had so many mentors in Theta and for that I am so grateful. I wouldn’t be where I am without those mentors or Theta.
What does Theta mean to you?
To me, Theta means a group of people who will stand by you through anything. I know I have many friends in Theta who would drop anything to help me if I needed it and I would do the same for them. My friends have seen me at my worst and my best and have always been with me. I am so grateful that Theta has given me a support group that I will continue to reach out to long after graduation.
Do you have any advice for the underclassmen?
Some advice I have for the underclassmen would be to shoot for the stars. Apply for things you’re interested in. Reach out to mentors. Take a class you’re curious about. Join a new organization. You never know what could happen.
Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?
My favorite Theta memory would be living in the 2nd floor 4 man. I lived with Amber, Annie, and Harper and it was the time of our lives. We decorated every square inch of that room, so it was extremely cozy. We had a playlist we would play on a loop and we would always have the windows open if it was nice out. Honestly, the vibes in that room were immaculate and I miss it every day.