Meet Jessie Myer: Our June Leading Woman

Name: Jessie Myer
Major: Health Sciences – Pre-Professional
Hometown: Plano, Texas
What are your career/life goals?
As of now, I am working towards becoming a pediatric cardiologist, specializing in children with disabilities, a passion that I have had since the fifth grade. But, to be honest, that could easily change. Sometimes, I wake up and want to be an oral surgeon, and sometimes I wake up wanting to do emergency medicine. It’s a good thing I have time to make a decision, but my heart usually wants to be a pediatric cardiologist. I know whichever route I take, it will be pediatric.
Tell us about why you chose your major?
I chose my major because I know that I am very interested in the medical field and science. Health sciences allows for a lot of leeway going into medical school, which gives me plenty of opportunities to decide if I want to go into pediatric cardiology, biomedical research, or dental professions. I love the idea of getting to interact with patients and make a positive impact in their day. Health sciences is the perfect fit for me because I enjoy understanding the mechanisms of the human body and my classes revolve around my interests.
What does your internship with STRIDE entail?
My internship is under the American Physiological Society and I am a part of the STRIDE Fellowship, which is a Short-Term Research Education Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Related Research. Women are underrepresented in the field of medicine, and especially medical research. The internship provides an individualized mentored research experience that, in my case, brought me to Washington, D.C. for ten weeks. While here, I am partaking in research involving the mechanisms and pathways of Insulin Resistance, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. To accomplish this, we have mice that are on specific diets and we take samples and perform tests on them to locate specific proteins and antibodies. We will have an article published this year, and if granted the funding, I will be back next summer!
How will this experience benefit you?
Having this internship has already taught me so much! I am learning so many lab techniques and more about pathways, but I am also learning many life skills. This is my first time being in a new place without knowing anyone and it is very different than being at school where I am constantly surrounded by friends. It is also very interesting to be in such an important and cultural city. It is allowing me to have some unique experiences. The internship itself has opened my eyes to the idea of a career in biomedical research, and has allowed me to expand my knowledge.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about being a resource for families with children who have differing abilities. In my life now, I do this through Adapted Gymnastics and child care. In the future, I want to do this as a doctor. It can be hard for families to find doctors who are patient and willing to work with their child and make it a comfortable experience. I hope to be able to ease the stress of going to doctor’s appointments for as many families as I possibly can.
What are you involved in at Mizzou?
At Mizzou, I am involved in Mizzou Alternative Breaks, Adapted Gymnastics, and of course, Theta. For MAB, I was the only freshman on my Winter International Health Sciences trip to the Dominican Republic. While there, we taught english to students and toured their medical facilities to understand the differences in health care across countries. I will also be site leading a Health Sciences trip this Thanksgiving break! I attend Adapted Gymnastics as often as I can, and love to be with the kids. At home, I was very involved in Special Olympics and this is my way to continue that commitment.
What does Theta mean to you?
Theta is support and empowerment to be the best woman you can be. Whether that’s in academics, or in pursuing a passion, there is always a Theta there to cheer you on. Knowing that your sisters will always push you to improve and strive for the highest is honestly amazing. Theta is love, friendships, and inspiration.
Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?
Choosing one specific memory is a tough task. As fun as Bid day, Big-Little Reveal, winning Homecoming, football games, and being in the craft room for hours upon hours was, if I had to choose I would say spending time with the Fab Five. Whether it's stressing about room picks, getting dinner before chapter, or just being around each other, there is always a smile on our faces.